Welcome to the Killing Games!

I'm your host. This is an extensive rulebook specific to my own games, so that you might understand how it works a little better before signing up!

This may be added to in the future!

How does a kg work?

(Disclaimer: I'll try to keep this as general as possible so you can understand how any kg works, but keep in mind that some games could work slightly differently!)

First of all, kgs are basically modified Danganronpa games! If you're in that fandom, chances are you know to an extent how these work anyway. Hosts can, however, make a kg themed around a different fandom (e.g. my Persona-themed Season 5).

Another thing to keep in mind is that this is a roleplay-based game. Choose the character you play as carefully, because you'll rp as them for the remainder of the game.

Killing games, like the original DR games, have several 'chapters', in which there are a set of basic stages:

  • Motive/Before trial

  • Murder and trial

  • Execution or sacrifice

  • After the trial

Motive/Before trial

Motives don't necessarily have to be given if someone requests to kill without wanting one, but this is normally the first step in a chapter.

Motives, essentially, boil down to either rewards or threats- rewards can include perks, coins and items, while more malicious motives could threaten to kill people off or make the characters suffer if nobody kills. Once this is given, the host simply waits for someone to DM them asking to kill. (For more information on what a murder request involves, see the 'Killer' section of Roles.)

In the meantime, it gives everyone a chance to roleplay or chat.

Murder and trial

There's been a murder! The host will post who died and the clues the killer DMed them, and everyone will use that information to try and find the culprit. The actual killer, of course, will try to convince the others that they're innocent, and so will the Mastermind and Traitors. (See the 'Mastermind/MM' and 'Traitors' sections in Roles.)

(For more information on how a trial works, see Trial Procedure.)

Execution or sacrifice

The murderer is revealed once the majority comes to a decision.

If the killer was correctly voted for, they will be executed via a cruel and unusual punishment. They can write their own execution, or I can write it (badly) for them!

If the killer got away with murder, a sacrifice chosen by the majority will be killed instead (who, for obvious reasons, can't be the killer). They don't get a proper execution, unfortunately:(

After the trial

Your character is probably a little overwhelmed, especially if someone who they cared about died. This is a good opportunity for some rp until the next motive is introduced and the cycle continues.

At this point, hosts can progress the plot, introduce a challenge to get coins or items, or simply prepare the next chapter.

The final chapter is a little different

Whenever the host considers it to be a good time to do so, the final chapter will commence, in which the Mastermind will kill someone and everyone tries to find out who they are. In my games, I add those remaining to a separate chat for this specific trial. Makes it more official, y'know?

If they find them, the MM and remaining traitors will all be executed in a grand finale. But if they don't, everyone else will be executed! No pressure.

This is where the game ends. The host can write an ending to their story, too.


This is a common killing game concept, and I think it originated from when groupchats were limited to a smaller number of people. Hosts still use teams to prevent the chat getting too crowded and chaotic!

If the cast size is deemed big enough, a host can split the cast into two teams (if it's a reasonably small cast, however, they obviously won't have to). The two teams carry out trials and vote for the killer separately. In my games, if one team votes correctly while the other doesn't, the killer will have a 50% chance of getting executed.

Regardless of whether execution is carried out, the team who voted correctly will not have to sacrifice a team member, and they will get the normal rewards. Similarly, the incorrect team will still have to sacrifice someone.


When the host thinks enough participants have died or when one team gets low on people, they will 'merge' the two teams together, and those remaining will be put into a separate groupchat act as one team.

In my games, those who died before the merge cannot be revived after the merge has been formed. (This is because the people in the merge chat are set in stone and I do not add anyone to it!)


That's me! Some kgs have one or more 'co-host' to help manage things, but I'm a solo host (o´・∀・)o

It's the host's job to make sure things are in order, and it's a harder job than you'd think! They have to write the plot, make edits, think of motives, write executions, manage teams and shops and trials... I've got a lot of respect for 'em.

Depending on the game, host characters can sometimes kill participants and have a trial. Some host characters can die, be revived, or even get replaced by a totally different character mid-game. In my upcoming Season 5, I can kill twice!


What's a killing game without killers? To kill someone, you just gotta DM the host with the details! And if you need some help planning it out, I can always help you c:

Details needed are as follows:

  • Victim/s

  • Time and place of death

  • Murder method

  • Clues

You can kill one or two people in one chapter. The number of clues a killer writes vary from game to game, but in mine you need six clues: four real clues, including two 'buyables' (clues that people have to pay with coins to see, and therefore are usually more useful), and then two 'fake' clues. You can throw people off and make a buyable clue fake if you want! (For more detail, see Trial Procedure.)

Just a disclaimer, in the name of fairness I will not allow the use of 'filler' clues (clues that are useless or do not link to anything in particular), and will likely question you on the meanings behind them. If you can explain why the clues are relevant convincingly, I may just let you keep them as they are.


This is a new idea I'm introducing properly in Season 5, and it isn't something I've seen in other kgs- if someone else agrees to be your accomplice, you can both work together to get away with murder. I might limit the amount of times people can do this.

To get someone to be your accomplice, DM me first. I will then DM that person asking if they would like to assist with the kill, but I will not tell them who asked unless they accept.

If they do, I will add both to a little groupchat and they can plan the kill together. To clarify, the actual culprit is the one who must be voted for, and voting for the accomplice will result in a sacrifice. There are pros and cons to this feature.

To begin with, one or two of your clues are allowed to link to the accomplice instead of you. (However, the majority should still link to you.) I will allow you to give clues that apply to both of you as long as it isn't too vague, but there should be a way to narrow it down to the killer.

Another perk is that both of you will get rewarded for getting away with it if you do (if there are additional motive prizes, they will be split between you), and if the others vote incorrectly, the accomplice is protected from sacrifice.

However, if the killer is voted for, then both the killer and the culprit will be executed, so choose carefully. (I may add to this feature in the future.)


The Mastermind cannot be killed via trial- if someone attempts to do so, they will be killed instead with no trial, and cannot be revived or tell anyone who the MM is.

Plot-wise, the MM is the one who controls the game and is responsible for all the deaths. It's their job to throw everyone's suspicions off of them, so that they don't get caught in the final trial.

They are also told the killer's identity at the start of each trial, and are meant to lead everyone away from the true killer. However, a tactic some use is to earn everyone's trust by helping them in trials on purpose.

Additionally, every few rounds, the MM target one person to kill off (but this person can be revived.) They discuss this with the Traitors and come to a decision. The person they kill will not be given a trial.

The MM is chosen by randomiser as stated in the rules. Therefore, while they cannot be murdered, they can be sacrificed in the case that the chosen person is inactive.

In the case that a Mastermind is sacrificed and then revived, they will no longer have the MM role; they will become a Traitor instead. This is because another Traitor will be appointed as the new MM immediately after the sacrifice, and that does not change unless the new MM dies.


Basically the Mastermind's team. The chosen MM and Traitors will be put into a groupchat where they can discuss how to deceive everyone and who to pick for Mastermind kills. Very similar role to the MM, but with less influence, I guess. And unlike the MM, they can have trials for their murders and can be killed like anyone else.

The amount of Traitors in a game depend on the cast size and the host's decision. In the rare situation that the MM and all of the Traitors die, I may have to appoint an innocent person as a new Traitor/MM for the game's sake. I would do this unannounced.

How do trials work?

First of all, I would make a post with the details and clues as submitted by the killer, and then leave you all to it for a while. Like many other games, I limit the amount of time people can discuss before having to vote! I usually give them a maximum of two hours (three hours for the MM trial at the end of the game).

As described in the 'Killer' section of Roles, there are additionally two 'buyable' and two fake clues. Buyables, as the name would suggest, have to be bought before you can see them. Fake clues are red herrings or lies about the killer, e.g. 'Dark hair was found at the scene' when they're actually blonde. You can also 'buy a fake', meaning you can use coins to get me to indicate which clue is fake. Prices are in the shop.

(Keep in mind that there are two fakes, and that a buyable clue can also be a fake.)

When voting, you don't have to simply go with what everyone else says. If you believe they've all got it wrong, vote someone else! Even if the majority is wrong and you have to sacrifice someone, you will still get rewarded for voting correctly.

Hey Woah Before You Keep Reading

As said in the signups, this game involves huge spoilers for Persona 4, and naturally so does the description below. Please exercise appropriate caution.

It should also be noted that I will add to this section as the story progresses so that people can stay on top of what is going on.

Setting the Scene

The world takes place a year after one of the Bad Ends of Persona 4, in which Namatame is condemned as the murderer, and the true killer is... nowhere to be seen. Tohru Adachi vanished not long before Yu returned to the city without a trace. Where did he go-?

Either way, the police have declared the case closed as Namatame was swiftly sentenced to death penalty- and nobody else knows any better.

The thick, sickening fog has rendered Inaba completely uninhabitable, and all of Yu's friends scattered to different parts of Japan, searching for a new life. Thankfully, Nanako managed to recover in time so that the Dojimas could escape.

This almost toxic fog has been slowly but surely spreading to wider areas, and a few metres of land are covered overnight. It is said that anyone who tries going into the fog will never come out.

Maybe it'll spread to the entire world one day... who knows?

Where is the Kg Taking Place?





Now you can go outside- kinda- and you can explore the TV world in groups! 'Explorations' will be a roleplay-based opportunity to get SP and items, but with a slight DND twists. These groups can consist of members from both teams, and must be a minimum of two and a maximum of six people.

Bigger teams have pros and cons. On one hand, you'll be safer in bigger groups and will have a better chance of defeating stronger Shadows- however, at the end of the trip, you must split all SP prizes between the team.

To begin an exploration, I'll add the team to a separate little groupchat and we'll establish an order of each 'turn'. I will play the role of a Dungeonmaster of sorts, and will tell the group what they run into. Shadow encounters will play out as DND battles, with d20 rolls to determine the group's success. Everyone will begin with a certain amount of HP, and if it runs out, you will faint and not get any rewards at the end.

For now, you can only explore once per chapter. Rules might change or be added to later on!

Page One

Now that Mitsuru could see clearly, the page was torn and yellowed, with a strangely familiar handwriting.

'I don't know what to do. What even is a 'killing game'? Where is everyone else? I hope they're safe. Most likely safer anywhere that isn't here.

I'm going to write down everything that happens. Just in case something happens to me, and someone finds it.

...I don't want anyone here to die, but I have to be realistic.'

Page Two

Now that Ren could see clearly, the page was torn and yellowed, with a strangely familiar handwriting.

'They introduced what they call a 'motive' today. Motive to kill each other.

Why are we here? Who's this 'Mastermind' who keeps giving us these letters? I don't understand.'

Page Three

Once the team had headed inside, they only just has the strength left to read the note before putting it away. Now that Ren could see clearly, the page was torn and yellowed, with a strangely familiar handwriting.

'Ann... killed someone. She killed Mark. In the context of the motive, I could try to understand, but... why? And why did she have to die from such a horrible 'execution'?

...I'm going to sleep. I feel so sick.'

Page Four

Now that Naoya could see clearly, the page was torn and yellowed, with a strangely familiar handwriting.

'I think I'm seeing their faces every night now. They're always looking at me. Junpei, Nanjo, Haru, Yukiko, Hidehiko, Kou, Maki, Yuuki, Fuuka, Morgana, all of them. I can't take it. I couldn't save them. They're all'

Anything after that was covered in distressed scribbles.

Page Five

Now that Ren could see clearly, the page was torn and yellowed, with a strangely familiar handwriting.

'The 'Mastermind Trial' is tomorrow. There's only a few of us left. I think I know the one behind this now. There's only one thing left to do. Naoto, Elly, Daisuke, Ken. They're all pretty smart. We'll be able to win. We'll...'

What can you do to help?

Sign this petition!

I've looked into this a bit and apparently change.org donations do NOT go to the people who need it. In addition, the petitions are not fundraisers! They are there to create change! Basically, don't donate to change.org. But I'll tell you what you can donate to:

Minnesota Freedom Fund

I believe these funds are used to pay for bailing protestors who have been wrongly arrested, as well as paying immigration bonds. There's a lot more info on the actual site. Take a look!


This link takes you to a range of resources; 'toolkits' that can help educate you on the subject, from sharing the stories of people who have suffered as a result of blatant racism to information on conflict resolution.


The above link sends you to another carrd which has a LOT more than I could ever put on here, e.g. donations (including watching videos so that you can donate without spending money, petitions, information on protests, and resources! It also has translations in 15 different languages. Please have a look!